Accessing the SIM website
This site,, was developed with the purpose of being accessed by any visitor. Therefore, the site was developed in conformance with the W3C’s recommendations and guidelines and the WAI’s accessibility guidelines.
The programming languages used for the content and structure are XHTML Strict and PHP. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) were used to position and present the elements in a graphic and appealing way. The use of JavaScript was kept to an absolute minimum, and a text-only version of the site was also made available to visitors.
The home page for this site is the Precision Machining Section, which bears special significance on the company’s business activities as it shows parts manufactured for various industrial sectors.
The overall structure of this site is based on the following components (from top to bottom): a menu at the top right-hand corner for accessing the translated versions of the site; a bluish header with the company logo, machined parts and profiles - which appears on every page; a main horizontal menu for accessing the most relevant sections of the site - which includes a link to email and the homepage; the contents of the text page, including some images for every section of the site; and the page footer.
The footer displays the company’s copyright information horizontally, together with links to the site’s text-only version, the accessibility page (this page), the legal disclaimer, the site map and the Axikon site - which is the company that developed this website. Beneath the footer, at the very base of the page, we include a note on the resolutions and browsers that this site has been optimised for, as well as the software that may be required to display all files on the site correctly
To facilitate navigation of the site, we have designated the following key combinations for easier access:
[Internet Explorer: Alt + key + Enter; Mozilla, Firefox 1 and Chrome: Alt + key; Firefox 2 or higher: Alt + Shift + key; Opera: Shift + Esc + key]
The use of Flash animations has been kept to a minimum. The site has a total of two animations: one in the header that is repeated on every page, and a larger one containing many pictures of the various parts manufactured by the company.
Web optimised for resolution of 1280x768 px or higher, suitable for Firefox, IE7, Opera, Safari and Chrome.
You need to install Adobe Reader or equivalent.